*18.08.1952  †14.09.2009  








Here you find some more sides of this page:


  © 2008 - 2022 Heike Winterstein

We have a new chat, so it is for nobody a problem to chat with us. You must only write you name down on the right near the word "Los" then you can post.




1) Show RESPECT compared with other Chattern. If you somebody does not respect, ignores him instead of discussing splendidly with him this and annoying with it other persons in the channel.

2) If you enter the chat for the first time, try to find out what a feeling is in the chat, before you properly get cracking. If the whole one is nothing for you, then simply search for you another chat.

3) Reminding you at the fact that you are not anonymous. The chat operator has to see the right all actions effected by you as well as your IP address and other data to copy and with reasonable suspicion. Also the chat operator has the right your data (IP addresses, mail address etc.) to pass on on inquiry in authorities, provided that suitable inquiries run.

4) Admins/Mods have the right to expel user without special reason of the chat, also without this a user against valid right or these terms of utilisation offends. Among the rest, the avoidance of a chat reference (names log in etc.) is expressly prohibited.

I accept this rules

  Now you click the white button, wait a moment and chat. This is all you have to do.  
  We try to make all in english, but this is not every time so easy, if you have any question, please send a mail to the admin, we try to find a way for you.